How to Put Together an Onboarding Kit

Feb 17

Employee engagement starts the second a new employee walks in the door, so it's important for companies to make a good impression on their first day! The onboarding process shouldn't just be about ...

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3 Things Every Busy Professional Needs

Oct 18, 2024

If there's one thing we never have enough of, it's time. We haven't quite figured out a way to freeze time yet, but we have found ways to save it. If you're a busy professional, these three FREE pl...

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How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Apr 18, 2023

Do you ever find that no matter how hard you're working, you're not getting the results you want? You put in the long hours at the office, you answer every email, you skip lunch, and yet you're sti...

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Ain't Nobody Got Time for That: 5 Tips for Working Efficiently

Feb 14, 2022

No one ever got anywhere by doing the bare minimum. Your growth depends on you getting as much done in as little time as possible. The five tips below will help you accomplish as much as possible e...

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Graphic Design Terms Everyone Should Know

Nov 11, 2021

It can be hard to communicate with a design team on a project when the designers speak their very own language. That's why we have a rundown of words you may come across frequently that can save y...

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Mindfulness and the Workplace

Aug 25, 2021

“Mindfulness” has become an increasingly popular buzzword over the past year, with workers suffering from pandemic-related burnout and record high stress levels. But what does it really...

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